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Lampung (Indonesia) Travel Guide

        Lampung province is located at the extreme of south of Sumatra is overlooked, over flown by most tourists. In the past it was well known for its marvelous 'tapi' fabrics, some using real gold thread, and for its pepper. But today, it is the location from ambitious transmigration projects, resettling farmers from over-populated Java. It boasts volcanoes, wildlife reserve, megalithic remain and a superb coastline of deep-cut bays and wonderful beaches. Its capital is Bandar Lampung, is made up of twin cities that is Teluk Betung and Tanjung Karang. Way Kambas Nature Reserve is a 130,000 ha area of swamp and lowland forest with wild elephant, tapir and many other animals. Krui is the principal port on the virginal west coast of Lampung Province. There are vast gorgeous white sand beaches stretching for miles and kilometers and miles to the north and south.

Interesting Places

Putri Malu Waterfall

          Curup Putri Malu is located at Juku Batu village, Banjit subdistrict, about 46 km from Blambangan Umpu district, west Lampung. This waterfall is falling down cuved violet resembling human backs bathing, so this waterfall call" putri malu". It has beautiful green mountains panorama and surrounded wet tropical forest that still virgin. This places very good for adventure, rock climbing, camping, and just for fun with friends or spend holiday with family because have cool air, pure water and not far from population area.


          Indonesia belongs to one of the most volcanic and seismically active region in the world. There are 128 active volcanoes of which 76 had eruption in historic time. These were occurred in 3 belts which one of is Lesser Sunda Islands where Krakatau is located. The Indonesian Volcano logical Service classified those volcanoes as "class A" volcanoes, of which there 12 in Sumatra Island. One of those is Krakatau. Krakatau is located in South Lampung region in Sunda strait, between Java and Sumatera.

Pasir Putih Beach
          Pasir Putih beach is located in the south part of the City of Bandar Lampung City, about 20 kilometers from Bandar Lampung Sumatra acrossTrans street. Across the White Sands beach, shady trees are planted to cover the tourists after they feel like getting enough sun from walking down the beach. The water is clean and fresh to bath and play in, and the white sand gives peace to the tourists. This place is perfect for holiday spending. Besides the treat above, in the afternoon, the tourists can watch the sunset.
           If tourists want to watch the coral and sea creatures, they can swim until certain border or use motor boat until the middle part. This place has amazing kinds of fish, coral reef, and sea plants. White Sands beach is one of the tourism objects in Bandar Lampung for domestic and foreign tourists. For the sake of it, the cleanness of the place is preserved. To get there, tourists can use a personal car or public transportation. It is 30 minutes from Bandar Lampung. 

Way Kambas
          In the east part of Central Lampung there is a nature reserve named “Way Kambas“ which covers 130.000 hectares areas. To achieve Way Kambas, an asphalted road is built. It takes 2 hours drive from Bandar Lampung. In nature reserve, there is the first elephant-training centre in Indonesia to train wild elephants which are capture from outside the area because they have disturbed the people's fields. It is estimated there are about 500 elephants in Lampung, 250 of them are in Way Kambas. In this nature reserve, we can also find other wild animal such as Sumateran tigers, bears, tapirs and other animals such as deer, wild pigs and 286 bird species. If we visit Way kambas, we can see the process of training wild elephants in the elephants training centre, an attraction of elephants are playing football, elephant safari, elephants are swimming and on certain occasions.

Lampung Museum
          Lampung Museum is located in Z.A. Pagar Alam Street or just 5 km from the heart city of Tanjungkarang. It has 3.233 collections compiled from prehistory, Hindu, Buddha and Islamic Age. The Museum also collects local and foreign ceramic from China. We can also find the statue from Hindu-Buddhist period, household utensils from ancient time, old tapirs clothes, ancient traditional boat, war outfits etc.
          There we can see the ancient objects, remain of ceramic from China and Siam, or household utensils, which is from centuries ago. The museum is opened on Monday until Saturday. Taman budaya or art center is place for presenting the classical music and traditional dances of Lampung. It takes fifteen minutes to get there from center of town.

Ranau Lake
          Ranau Lake is surrounded by mountainuous highland and natural view. It is located in the West Lampung sharing border with South Sumatera Province. Cottages and boat are available. Liwa is the nearest town from Lampung (capital of West Lampung). Beauty of Chilli of nature that still natural made this area an area of the tour visit in Lampung West. In this area tourists could enjoy the beauty of the Ranau Lake that was surrounded by green hills as well as the Seminung Mountain that erect soared._Fresh and clear him Ranau Lake water very supportive for the swimming activity. Tourists could also enjoy the beauty of nature scenery ranau with boating the motor. Moreover for that wanted to be submerged in hot water, in this area also was gotten by the source of hot water.

Kota Agung Port
          Kota Agung is the capital of the Tanggamus Regency; one of 'old city' in Lampung province had the local port. Besides as the place of the fish landing, mode the transport of anchored sea and departed of connected territories in part: Tampang, Pemantang Sawah district, Tabuhan Island, etc. Sea with low pollution level in this gulf was rich in various kinds of the sea biota. The fish kind in part: tongkol-striped cloth, satay inflated, selar as well as cattle and lobster prawns lived in these waters. The Blue marlin presence in the certain season was attraction that rarely passed by the lover of sport fished. In the city that famous of the Watermelon Gulf often took place of the marriage ceremony activity or the tradition various ethnic. The implementation Mayor event, the Tanggamus Festival is become as incident-tourism that each year was displayed around March; this activity was centered on here.  

Way Laan
          Way Lalaan is a constitution gradually waterfall that have 200 m distance of one to others, from the flow of Way Lalaan river which mouth of a river to Semangka Bay. This location is in foot Valley of Tanggamus Mountain which just 2 Km from the Central Government of Tanggamus region or 80 Km from Bandar Lampung. This waterfall was unknowable since 1937 in Dutch Colonial Government, which make the cement ladder to waterfall valley. The facilities available are shelter, fitting room and park area.

Batu Tegi Dam
           Approaching the centre city Talang Padang district, in the right corner of the intersection, see to strike the plank of the indicator towards Tegi Stone Dam (Tegi = erect / stood - Lampung language). The location that about 20 km from this intersection is had the very wide area. When not making use of the person's vehicle, the visitor could use the taxi bike service from available bases to arrive at the location. The friendly inhabitants in pekon-pekon Pulau Panggung district around the location of the dam will enthusiastically answer the visitor's question of various matters about this area.

Megalithic Area
          For the site-interested person of archeology (tour-history & the culture), in Pulau Panggung district, tourists could visit to the complex megalithic and Bedil Stone inscription. The inscription that was made in Sriwijaya royal era proofs the inhabitants' existence in this territory in the past that was connected with this kingdom. Gotten by 3 complexes was separated that was adjacent in Pekon Bedil Stone of the Upstream and Lower; 10 minutes by vehicle to the north from the Tegi gate of the Stone Dam complex. Back to Talang Padang district territory. The producer area of the quality rice superior, namely Talang-Padang rice was the last district from Bandar Lampung side before entered to Kota Agung district territory. Apart from ethnic Lampung the A dialect and O dialect, the community in this dynamic territory was Semendo, Java, Sunda-Banten and Jaseng (the acronym Java-Serang) ethnic -the term in Lampung for the Banten ethnic group had spoke Java. Since several of their generations have assimilation interacting so as many that could hold a dialogue in five languages at the same time.       

Tabuan Island

       Tabuan island is to be a territorial of Tanggamus Regency that located in Teluk Semaka and the wide of the territory is about 600 hectares. In the future is planned by the government of the regency, will be built and functioned quay as the crossing quay of sea transportation and the fisherman location is widely about 2500 m. This location could be covered with the sea transportation, which took the motorboat or speedboat that took up about 1 trip hour from the seaport.
        This food is the typical food of Lampung Province in the form of fried or baked fish sauce mixed with shrimp paste, tempoyak (processed durian) or mango. Species of fish that is usually used is river fish.     

Keripik Pisang Coklat
     These chips are processed form of banana species are processed into sour dishes that have high sales value. After the usual fried chips are still hot is mixed with chocolate powder until evenly distributed. It was a sweet banana sprinkled with chocolate has a different taste than other banana chips.    

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