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Riau (Indonesia) Travel Guide

         Riau province is one of the fastest growing parts of Indonesia in terms of economic, population and tourism. Riau Province occupies the central part of eastern region on Sumatra Island, which straddles between Malacca Straits, South China Sea and Berhala Straits. The Province is a strategic region as it directly faces Malacca Straits and Singapore, one of the busiest shipping lanes in the world.
Interesting Places
          Pekanbaru is the capital of Riau province. Once, the town was a small village called Payung Sekaki located on Siak riverbank. Because the Senapelan tribe established the village, it was better known as 'Senapelan'. Today, Pekanbaru is a booming oil town with an international airport, which can accommodate foreign tourist entering Indonesia via Singapore or Malacca. About 160 km upstream on Siak river, Pekanbaru, has a number of buildings in the traditional style of the area, among them Balai sang Merdu, Balai Adat and Taman Budaya Riau or Riau Cultural Park.
Muara Takus Tample
          Located in the village Barelang, XIII Koto Kampar district, or the distance is approximately 135 kilometers from the city of Pekanbaru. The distance between this temple complex in the village center Barelang approximately 2.5 miles and not far from the edge of Kampar Kanan river. This temple complex surrounded by a wall measuring 74 x 74 meters, there are arealnya outside the earthen wall measuring 1.5 x 1.5 kilometers surrounding this complex to the Kampar Kanan river. Within this complex there are also old temple, temples and Mahligai Youngest Stupa and Palangka. 
         Temple building material composed of sandstone, river rock and brick. According to sources Tempatan, bricks for this building built in the village Pongkai, a village located on the downstream side of the temple complex. Former mining land for the bricks until now regarded as a highly respected residents. To carry bricks to the temple, done in relay from hand to hand. This story must be true although not yet give the impression that temple building was the work together and performed by people from the temple ramai..Outside the compound there are also buildings (the former) is made of brick, which has not been established types of buildings. Barelang temple complex, the only heritage that shaped temple in Riau. 

Stanum Recreation Park 

        A recreation place located in Kampar regency capital, is 1 Km from the city center. Interesting and strategic place, which is located above the hills berhawa cool with shady trees. This area is equipped with various facilities, including baths, Mosque, Perternuan Building, Motel, Restaurant, Stage Entertainment, Movies and Swimming Pool "INDOPURA" international scale, which is the result of cooperation between Indonesian government with the Singapore government's air force.
Siak Sultanate's Park 

        Sultan Syarif Hasyim Abdul Jalil Syarifuddin built this Moorish style palace of Siak Sultan, 120 km up stream from Pekanbaru on Siak River, in 1889. Now a museum, the palace contains sultanate's royal paraphernalia and other items of historical interest. Established during the 16th century, Siak Sri Inderapura sultanate lasted until 1946, when it became victim to the popular upheavals following the Japanese surrender at the close of World War II.
Merangin Waterfall 
            Located in the village of West Bangkinang Merangin District, is a tourist attraction that has natural beauty of waterfalls and areas of pristine forest with a very distinctive flora. This type of tourist attraction is an adventure tour to explore the forest while enjoying the freshness and tranquility and natural beauty in and around the forest.   
Grand Mosque of Pekanbaru

       Grand Mosque, which is the oldest mosque of Pekanbaru. It has been built in the 18th century during the authority of Abdul Jalil Alamuddin Syah Sultan and Muhammad All Abdul Jalil Alamuddin Syah Sultan of Siak sultanate; the Great Mosque of this kingdom is the oldest mosque in Pekanbaru City. Next to the mosque there are some graves of the royal family. Their graves can be found on the compound of the mosque. Other than that, there is also an old well considered holy and frequently visited by visitors, mainly those who possessed the cultural link with Siak Sultanate, while requesting for blessing and fortune.

Gold Museum Kemilau Kandil

        Located on the island Bangkinang Starfruit District, Kampar District. The museum is a new official on May 22, 1988 was on the island Carambola Bangkinang Kuok. This museum is a house-shaped house of Five Traditional Koto Kampar, built around 1900 by the late Haji Hamid. This museum is now stored in various collections of antiquities that have historical value such as pottery goods, Carpentry Tools, Agricultural Tools, Equipment fishing, art equipment, aisle equipment, commercial equipment, party equipment, etc. . In addition to these tools are stored commercial boat oar made of very strong wood from the 18th century, and a compass made of bamboo made by the people of China because the numbers are written on the compass is written in script China. There are two hundred and fifty (250) kinds of museum collections antique gold Kemilau Kandil all of which are collections that have been inherited from generation to generation as a heritage item.

Balai Adat

        Many of Pekanbaru's buildings, including ones recently constructed, are built in traditional Riau-Malay architectural style. One of these buildings is Balai Adat, or Adat Community House at Diponegoro Street. Decorated with woodcarvings and woven cloth motives, its architecture represents the glory of Riau-Malay culture. Balai Adat has initially been built to accommodate various activities relating to Resam Malayan Riau custom, but now is also the place for various meeting gatherings.
Tomb of Sheikh Burhanuddin

         Located in the Kampar Kiri Sub District, Kampar. The late Sheikh Burhanuddin was one of the Islamic propagator, Kuntu his tomb is located in Kampar regency Fold fabric. This place is a lot of traffic especially on the big day ahead of Islam and Ramadan arrived.

Riau Cultural Park

          South of the city centre, not far from the airport, is Pekanbaru's museum, housing historical remains from the region. The museum is built in traditional Riau-Malay style. Next door to the museum is Taman Budaya Riau, which comprises several traditional houses. The place is designated as the centre of cultural activities. The museum known by the name of Sang Nila Utama is a Malay traditional architectural model building located at Jenderal Sudirman Street Pekanbaru, not far from Sultan Syarif Kasim II airport. The museum, which is opened daily, except on Sunday and holidays, is keeping various collection of objects of art, history and culture from Riau area in general. Next to the museum, there is also a building with nearly similar architectural feature, i.e. Riau Cultural Park Building, which is appropriated as the centre of various art and cultural activity. 
Forest Tourism Rimbo Terantang

       This tourist attraction in the village of Padang Lawas is a tourist attraction that has the natural beauty of the area pristine forest with a very distinctive flora. Forest tour also serves as a place of research. Especially natural phenomena both flora and fauna. This type of tourist attraction is an adventure tour to explore the forest while enjoying the freshness and tranquility and natural beauty in and around the forest.
Regions Bangkinang Siabu

        A natural charm and beautifully distinctive, floranya condition well maintained enough khawasan also become the center for honey bee farm that produces good quality wasps, and in it made the fish nurseries. This tourism object is located in the village of West Bangkinang Siabu District.
Alam Mayang Fishing Park 
       Alam Mayang Fishing Park is located at Harapan Raya street km 8 from the centre of Pekanbaru city. Alam Mayang is a recreational and relaxing place, which is frequently visited, mainly by those who have fishing hobby, as there are a number of fishing ponds in this place with various species of fishes in it. It equipped with three pools with 18.560km2 and also has many kind of fishes such as; fresh water crap fish, lemak, nila, patin and sepat siam. Relaxing under the shadiness of the vegetation and a beautiful natural atmosphere is really a very exciting experience. Today it is frequented especially by those having the hobby of fishing since here there are fishing ponds covering a total area of 18.650 square meters with various kinds of fish inside. Much more fun is certainly to go fishing together with the family.

Alahan Waterfall

       A state tourist Kampar River has many rapids with a waterfall that was beautiful to be enjoyed as well as interesting to be forded by using a special boat. Tourist location is located upstream XIII Koto Kampar Kampar district. The appeal of these attractions is the beauty and freshness of the air and that invites tourists, especially for tourists who have an adventurous spirit in the presence of natural mengangumi. The wealth of fauna found in this tourism object which has a connection with this habitat, the beauty of flora supported by the existence of flora typical of this area of growing, and Landscape unspoiled area attractions location is the main attraction is very strong.
Limbungan Lake

         The dam that was initially established for the irrigation purposes is located in the area surrounded by beautiful panoramic range of hills, which has an attraction as a tourist spot. Viewing such potential, this place is then developed by as tourist area furnished with various facility and means for recreational spot is around 10 km from the center of Pekanbaru City and it can be reached by public transportation. Not far from there, there is also a location made as the arena of motocross racing competition.
Selat Baru Beach
         Selat Baru beach is located at the east coast of Bengkalis Island; Selat Baru beach of about 4 km long has a very beautiful panorama with traditional fisherman village's life background. Other attractive thing is a creek near to the beach, which is named by the local people as Liong River. Along the edge of this river, there are lines of fish Floating pond for about 3,000 containers of the breeding place of white snapper breeding. Directly watching the fish breeding and drying process is really an exciting.
Tujuh Serangkai Cave 
         Tujuh Serangkai Caves, located in Rambah village about 17 km from Bangkinang is the tops tourist attraction in Kampar region. Entire of way from municipal district into Tujuh Pintu Serangkai Cave which estimate interval is 2 kilometers we can enjoying wonderful nature that back grounding by hills and the leafy of trees until front of Tujuh Pintu Serangkai cave door. Besides the natural beauty of the caves, we can enjoy a hot bath in it. The cave what we visit is not one but in 10 hectares area founded other cave as Sungai Cawan Cave, Langkuk Cave, Sungai Panturun Cave, Sungai Lo Cave and Sungai Pisang Cave.

Elepahants Training 

         At Sebanga-Duri that interval estimate from Pekanbaru City is 139 kilometers founded training and taming center for elephant at Riau Province. As one of attractive tourism objects at Riau found there is give some, entertain that seeing attraction and demonstration of elephants. As wild animal, elephant can tame at Sebanga School for Elephants. The elephants can attract as like: salute to visitor, step over big size of pieces of wood that was pile, pull up piece of wood using it trunk, step over men which sleep on ground, etc.
Zamrud Lake 
Bawah Lake and Pulau Besar Lake founded at Zamrud petroleum exploration fields. It is has wonderful view that very astonishing. Entirely of the lake founded Fauna reservation that it wide is 2,500 hectares which kind of exotic flora and fauna. Life resources that founded in the lake like red pinang, arwana fish, and balido fish are protected. Kind of wild animals at Fauna Reservation at Pulau Besar and Bawah Lake are unique wealth for water recreation tour at Riau. 

Soto Pekanbaru
        Soto Pekanbaru differ in general because it uses comes from the sago noodles. It was very tasty, tempting because there is a combination of sago, smoked fish and shrimp.

Nasi Lemak Pekanbaru 

       this comes as a platter of food wrapped in banana leaf, with cucumber slices, small dried anchovies (ikan bilis), roasted peanuts, hard boiled egg, and hot spicy sauce at its core. As a more substantial meal, nasi lemak can also come with a variety of other accompaniments such as chicken, cuttlefish, cockle, stir fried water convolvulus, pickled vegetables, beef rendang (beef stewed in coconut milk and spices) or paru (beef lungs) and spicy chips. Traditionally most of these accompaniments are spicy in nature.

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